Saturday, May 16, 2009

So sick of being sick :(

I am totally new to blogging. Hope you enjoy my first post!!!

Well as most of you know I have been super sick for the last week. First I had strep throat and now I have a nasty upper respiratory infection. It's borderline annoying. Despite my best efforts to lead a healthy lifestyle, my health still seems to fall short. I always seem to have some sort of bug. I also burned my arm on my stove on Monday and that is really painful and icky (yes I said icky). I know with His healing hand I will get throught this though. God is the great healer. I just need to give my frustration to him.

On a lighter note, Sydney has completed her first year in Truth in Training of our local Awana chapter. I am so proud of her accomplishment. She is such an amazing kid. During the closing ceremonies there were three high school students that received the Citation award, wgich is the highest achievment in Awana. Sydney said "I am going to get that when I am a senior". I love that she longs to grasp something that will take a lot of work and a lot of faith in our Lord and Savior. She is going to do great!!!

Well, summer time is coming upon us. Unfortunately I have to work, but Syd will be out of school next week!! Her school has a water day at the end of every school year which is always super fun!! I get to volunteer this year which I am very excited about!!!

Sydney and I have a lot of exciting plans for the summer. the second week is Vacation Bible School. For those of you who have never participated in a VBS, you're missin' out. After that our church is have a new summer Children's ministry program called Triple C Camp. It will be different themed day camps for grouped ages. Also every Wednesday there will be a summertime activity for the kiddos at the church. So lots and lots of fun!!!

After that we will be jetting of to Northern California to see our awesome friends Matt and Lynsey!!! I'm most exited about this. Matt and Lynsey lived in Tucson for a short amount of time after thet got married and Lyns and I became super close friends very quick. It was a very tear soaked moment when they left for their little city of Yuba (Sydney balled too, she adored Matt). But we get to see them soon!!!! See Lyns and I are HUGE Harry Potter fans and we are planning little visitations around certain movies, HP being one of them. We are going to stay up there for about five days to see the sights of Northern Cali. I can't wait!!! I miss Lyns so much!!!

I also just joined a local group in town called Mended Little Hearts of Tucson. As most of you know Sydney was diagnosed with an atrial septal defect, a congenital hole in her heart when she was four years old. She had to have major open heart surgery on April 13th 2004 to correct this defect. It was a very difficult time for my family. We however had wonderful nurses, PCTs and doctors to get us through it. Sydney came out of the surgery healthy and without and risidual symptoms. What we didn't have, was someone who had been throught this ordeal. Mended Little Hearts is a support group that does fundraisers, meetings and visitations to families in the hospitals. I am SO excited to start doing this and so is Sydney. I already am involved in the Congenital Heart Information Network and the local chapter of the American Heart Association, but MLH is very close to my heart, and Sydneys ;).


Matt & Lyns said...

why did you have to tell everyone that i'm a huge hp nerd?? but as long as i get to share it w/you i guess that it's ok!! can't wait to see you!!

Becky (So Very Blessed) said...

I know I haven't even met you yet, but the more I learn about you and your daughter, the more excited I am to get to know you!

Lyns, HP nerds = no shame. :)